Every property has a story and the numbers alone tell only part of the tale. See our impact through the lens of the individuals and organizations we have worked with.
Since 2012, the Landbank has made significant progress in revitalizing distressed neighborhoods. For more detail on the impact of the work of The Port and its managed entities such as the Landbank in Cincinnati and Hamilton County, you can view our past Impact Reports.

"In my 31 years with the City, we have never found a better partner in code enforcement than the HCLRC (Landbank). Between the work of the Landbank and our own work, we have seen a 20% reduction in the number of vacated problem and condemned buildings."
Demolition by Numbers
Since 2012, the Hamilton County Landbank has spent more than $22 million allocated to Hamilton County from two state demolition grant and reimbursement programs. The Landbank and grant sub-recipients demolished 1,233 structures, protecting over $34 million in surrounding home values.
Landbanking + Maintenance
By the close of 2021, the Landbank held 972 properties in its inventory. While working to find responsible owners for every property, we clean up lots, cut grass, secure structures and take other necessary measures to maintain properties under our ownership.
Putting Properties Back to Productive Use
The Landbank’s success relies upon Hamilton County jurisdictions, neighborhood partners, and residents with a vision to renovate or repurpose real estate. From 2012-2021, 1,004 formerly vacant, blighted properties were sold to new end users.

"Ownership is everything when it comes to having a beautiful neighborhood, and helping the owner occupiers control more of the land around them is the best way to start the revitalization process."

Single-Family Home Rehab (and New Build)
Through the REACH (Rehab Across Cincinnati and Hamilton County) program and the work of the Homesteading and Urban Redevelopment Corporation (HURC), 105 single-family homes have been rehabbed or built.
Historic Structure Stabilization
The Landbank’s Historic Structure Stabilization Program preserves landmark structures throughout Cincinnati and Hamilton County for reuse and redevelopment. Since 2012, 43 iconic structures have been stabilized utilizing over $5 million in funding, including over $1 million in funding from the City of Cincinnati.